F100/F200 Compact UV Flood Curing Lamp
The F100/200 is a compact UV flood curing lamp. F100/F200 integrates all system components into a small lamp head which can be easily mounted anywhere on a factory floor, with virtually no cabling or remote control boxes required. Just mount the head, connect the AC line cord, and start curing! The long life 400/600-Watt metal halide type lamp and parabolic reflector illuminate an 8 x 6 inch curing area with evenly distributed 100mW/cm2 UVA light (320–390nm). The arc lamp is powered by the state of the art UV Power-Plus Lamp Driver. The head features a convenient carrying handle and sliding height adjustment bracket.
Download Bulletin for F100/200 UV Flood Curing Systems
Download Specification for UVA Metal Halide Arc Lamp - Lamp Spectral Distribution